Chess has been used as a metaphor for war, and some say that winning in chess is similar to winning a war by achieving your objectives and defeating the enemy. Gaining an advantage or having overwhelming superiority are key components to a winning strategy. Our curated kits are purpose-built with a tactical advantage in mind. Each kit represents a vetted selection of best-in-class products to outfit you with everything you need and nothing you don’t.
The BISHOP™ Tactical Belt Kit is composed of only the best, domestically-made components, combining real-world performance, industry-leading technology, and a cost savings to give you the edge in any scenario.
The G-Code Operators’ Belt is a dual belt system that incorporates a lightweight inner belt with outward facing loop pile. This inner belt is intended to be worn by weaving through the trouser belt-loops and secures with a low profile buckle. The inner belt can easily serve as a full-function tactical belt all on its own. However, as a part of the system, the inner belt forms a comfortable and stable foundation for the load-bearing 1 3/4 inch over-belt. The over-belt is lined with a mating hook material and secures outside the trouser loops to the inner belt. Together they form a solid, comfortable, low-profile, load-bearing system. Combine this platform with low-profile, durable Pistol and Rifle Mag Carriers, a compact Dump Pouch, micro IFAK and Tourniquet Holder and you have a Tactical Belt kit capable of taking on any mission, threat or scenario.
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